Tuesday, August 25, 2009


JillyBean has been exploring her creative side quite a bit lately. She has always enjoyed painting, using modeling clay, and building castles out of blocks, but she is gravitating to these activities more lately. To encourage this, I have decided to enroll her in a couple of art programs this fall as well as our continuation of Kindermusik.

The first actual art class Jilly is taking is through the Charlotteville Parks & Recreation department and is called Messes and Masterpieces. I think it's a quite fitting title. I am really excited for this because it will expose Jilly to all art forms. The second program I enrolled Jilly in is through the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. I had originally gone on their site to find out what exhibits they have on display, only to learn that the museum is basically closed for renovations. However, their monthly preschool program is still in full swing. This class excites me because it will introduce JB to actual works of art while giving her the opportunity create her own.

Teaching Jilly art is something I need help with. Sure, we can color, paint and do projects at home, but I am not a very artistic person. In spite of being a professional writer, I have little patience for dealing with the details necessary to be proficient in art. I don't lose myself in drawing or painting like others do. I was never a big coloring book kid (drew outside of the lines and rarely completed a picture). I want Jilly to have a real opportunity to explore this side of her. Maybe she will bore of it and maybe she will excel. Either way, I believe it is important to grant her some exposure.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bedtime Stories

Like most parents, we have read to JillyBean since she was born. It has been part of our nightly routine since Day 1. And as she has grown and gained a greater interest in stories, we read to her throughout the day.

Now we have taken the next turn - sending her to bed WITH a book. Obviously she is not able to read at this point, but she has heard the stories so many times that she has either memorized the words (like The Digging-est Dog) or gets the gist of the story (like Duck in the Truck). Every nap time she requests to take a book, or two or three, to bed so that she can "read" it to Lilly, her frog, and to the rest of the half dozen or so babies that sleep with her. At first I was a bit hesitant, because I really wanted her to nap. My fear was that she would just sit up there and "play" and not rest. (The rule at nap time is that if she doesn't sleep, she has to stay there for 2 hours). But it was too cute to see her sitting at the side of her crib, with Lilly next to her, and listening in as she told the story.

In a way it has reinforced to us that she is actually developing reading comprehension. BeanieDaddy will change up a story every now and again and she'll pick up on what is different and correct him. She also asks Lilly the same questions that we ask her when we read - like how many candles are on Curious George's birthday cake?

And while in the beginning the reading in bed would lead to less sleep time, lately she has fallen asleep shortly after she finishes the story. I am unsure how so-called child experts would view this practice and what it means for toddler sleep requirements, but I think that the results are positive now and down the road. For one, it fosters a love of books and stories, which will help with her language and thinking skills. I also believe that it has helped to develop Jilly's incredible imagination.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Consignment Time

It is hard to believe that fall is around the corner and that means that it's consignment season. The amazing Here Wee Grow Again sale begins Saturday, Sept. 26. In addition to providing a great place to shop for children's clothes, toys, and gear, this year's sale features Divine Consign, a consignment sale for women.

While I am very excited to be part of the sale again this season (this will make my third), I am a bit bummed by the timing. The deadline to get all of my items logged in the system is when we will be in Chicago and the sale begins while we are on our beach vacation. On one hand it's good because it has forced me to get started early. On the other hand it's bad because I won't be able to volunteer or participate in the pre-sale for volunteers and consignors. Hmmm...I bet BeanieDaddy would say that's a plus.

I started pulling out JillyBean's stuff this afternoon and am pleasantly surprised by how few things I felt the need to keep. I am getting much better at letting go, though there are still some items I feel the need to keep. I am also very happy that some of her clothes from last year will more than likely still fit this fall. That's why I love buying stuff from Mini Boden. They're sized in a way that she can get a couple of years out of most of the clothes so I don't feel so guilty spending what I spend there (though their sales are really great). Jilly's coveted pink jeans should still fit this year, which is a good thing because I haven't been able to find anything similar.