Sunday, March 28, 2010

Real Life or The Legend of Ricky Bobby?

Breakfast conversations are usually pretty interesting around this house. This morning was no exception.

Me: Jilly, do you remember what we celebrate at Christmas?
Jilly: Baby Jesus' birthday.
Me: Exactly. Do you know what we celebrate at Easter?
Jilly: Nope.
Me: Well, Easter is a time for us to remember that when Jesus grew up and was big like daddy, he made a promise and he kept that promise.
Jilly: Oh. Well, Jesus lives in my heart.
Me: I know and that's very special, isn't it?
Jilly: Yes. But it's not big Jesus. Baby Jesus lives in my heart.
Me: Really? Well, that's fine. I'm sure that Jesus doesn't mind that he gets to stay little in your heart.
Jilly: Yes. He will grow up when I grow up. I like baby Jesus best right now.

Her desire to keep Jesus a baby reminds me of the scene from The Legend of Ricky Bobby where the fictional race car driver explains that he prefers to pray to the Christmas Jesus.

I have wondered for a while how to teach the Easter story to Jilly. The birth of a baby is an easy one, but I'm not certain that an almost three-year-old can understand death and resurrection. That is why I am focusing on the promise of new life that Christ gave us. Jilly's favorite book right now is Horton Hatches an Egg and Horton's mantra, "I meant what I said and said what I meant; an Elephant is faithful 100 percent," is one way to teach the message that God is always faithful as well.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Party Planning

Who would have thought that the start of Spring would be busier and filled with as much activity, if not more, than Christmas time? Not me. Jilly was actually born on Easter Sunday but since the holiday moves around from year to year, her birthday hasn't been all that close until now. Most of what has had me running around like a chicken with her head cut off would have been solved if I would have just told her what we would do for her birthday this year. But no. I had to get her input and now I'm paying for it. Like Beanie Daddy says, she's TWO. She shouldn't be making decisions that cause me more work than necessary. If I want to do it myself, well, that's my problem. But Jilly is the kind of child that when she makes up her mind that she wants to do something, you'd better be dang sure that you do what you can do to make it happen because she won't let you forget. I suppose we got a preview of that with the circumstances of her birth. She came 3 weeks early with no warning. I had been to the doctor a few days earlier and had made no progress toward going into labor any time soon. I was actually hoping we could hold out until May. But no. She decided she was ready and such is the life we live today....

But I digress....

JillyBean's birthday is the Thursday after Easter this year. I had the idea of hosting a party at home with her friends the Saturday before and double it as an Easter egg hunt. I had thought of getting each guest their own basket filled with treats in addition to scattering eggs about for them to collect. I was even hoping that I could convince Daddy to dress up like the Easter Bunny, but knew it was a long shot. Instead, Jilly has had it in her head for nearly a year that she wants to have a Thomas the Tank Engine party. I thought and hoped that she would change her mind as time went by, but she didn't. So, we are having a Thomas party. By the way, I don't understand her obsession with Thomas. She's never watched the show.

My planning for this event began shortly after the holidays. I began looking for Thomas and general train invitations that I thought were a little girlie. Some were too baby or were more along a circus train theme or were too heavily in the primary color scheme for my taste. Then I found these and knew they would work. I almost had the woman who made them change the color to pink and green, but thought that the red and blue were a bit more authentic and kept close to the Thomas theme.
Next came trying to figure out how to keep nearly a dozen (didn't mean for it to grow this big) preschoolers entertained without destroying our house. I won a cake pan on Ebay that makes six mini train cakes. My idea is to have the cakes ready for the kids to decorate with candy. I haven't decided if I want to frost them ahead of time. That may be a game day decision. In addition, I am trying to make up a game along the lines of pin the tail on the donkey. A friend whose son had a Thomas party last year said there was a similar Thomas game where you have to get the No. 1 in place. That game no longer exists so I am going to wing it. I haven't decided if I want to make a roundhouse and have the kids try to get their engine into the house or try to line up the train cars on a track. I have finally found some train templates that I like online and will print one out for each child. I feel as if I need one more thing to do, but am not sure. We're still kicking around ideas, but hopefully it will be pretty outside and we can shoo them out for a while then have hot dogs, turkey burgers then cake.

I am really excited for the guest favors that I made with the assistance of a good friend who has unlimited craft ideas. Each child will receive a wooden train whistle and a personalized engineer's cap. We worked on these earlier this week and I'm really happy with them:
I bought Thomas fabric and we cut out the little circles to attach the brim of each hat.Then we personalized the hats with each child's name. It was super easy and, I think, rather unique.

Next I have turned my attention to decor. I had grand ideas of turning the downstairs area into a train station, but that's not going to work since I'm busy planning two other parties that fall within a week of this one (more on that later). So we're going to keep it fairly simple. I am going to order two dozen red and blue balloons. One dozen will be tied to the front porch to greet guests and the others will be used inside. I suspect that we can tie one on to each chair that will seat a guest. I also revamped the birthday banner that I made Jilly last year. I ordered Thomas scrapbook paper and cut out letters and strung them together with red ribbon:

I still need to trace and cut out letters for her name, but am happy with this so far.

The big stuff is pretty much done. I promised Jilly that I would make a train cake for her, but I am unsure if it is something that will be served at the big party or reserved for the family party on her actual birthday. I have never done much to decorate a cake than simply slap frosting across it. The cake pan that I bought has instructions as to how to pipe it and I have the right tools, so we'll see how it goes.

Daddy is responsible for downloading train songs that will be played and he has it in his head that he is going to make a station sign that will hang on our porch to welcome guests. We'll see how that goes. I have all the confidence that he can do it, just not sure when he'll get around to doing it.

We asked our guests to consider bringing a toy that will be donated to the Charlottesville Ronald McDonald House instead of a birthday gift for JillyBean. She will get more than enough from family, and we want to continue teaching her the importance of helping others. She will make a birthday donation of her own to the organization as well. I know that birthdays are supposed to be special times when the attention is focused on birthday girl or boy, but I think the party is enough to show her how loved she is and how happy we are to have her in our lives.

Now, please pray for sunny weather so 12 kids and a couple dozen adults aren't stuck in the house.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hello, Again

Why is that I get on a roll posting here on a regular basis then appear to fall off the face of the earth? Things have been crazy the past month and I have simply not taken the time to post here. Again, it is certainly not for a lack of things to record. I cannot decide if I am too tired or too lazy to update. And, again, this is not a real post, simply a pace for me to put a couple of thoughts in order and "see" some things that I am considering.

JillyBean's third birthday is coming up and I have been fairly busy making plans for that. I will post on that more soon. She has been promised that she will get a "big-girl" bed when she turns three and we have been batting a couple of bed sets back and forth. Naturally the set that she has her mind on is not the one that I prefer. It is cute, but I like something else. I do like the sheets that go with the set, but I am not too crazy about the quilt. Then I found a quilt from another store and think that I may be able to get the best of both worlds but am unsure if they go together well.

is what Jilly likes:
I don't like the "busyness" of the quit, but I do like the sheets:
So I am wondering if they will go with this: