Saturday, May 2, 2009


Amanda Soule has done it again. She has gone and posted an item that I don't think I can live without. Le Papier Studio has some beautiful prints that would look fabulous in any child's room.

We are moving next month and I am going to redo Jilly's room just a bit. I don't plan to do too much at this time since we're not ready to move her to a "big girl bed." But I will have a little more space to change things up a bit and make her feel at home in her "new room."

I am trying to get her excited about the move because I don't want her to feel like she is leaving something behind. This is the only room and home that she knows, since we moved when she was only 6 months old. I asked her the other day how she wants to decorate and she said that she wants a pink room. She was very insistent on that, too. I tried to get her to agree to a green room because I want to paint her new room the same way we had her room in Texas - Restoration Hardware's Silver Sage (I love that color). But she said no. PINK ROOM. I'm pretty sure that we'll stick with the silver sage, but I will be sure to add some pink accessories (her room now is lavender and green). And that is why I think that this silhouette from Le Papier Source would be perfect:

I think that it's absolutely adorable and the little girl in it sort of looks like JillyBean.


Allison said...

Beautiful picture!