Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Comfort in Routine

In a way I am sad that the Christmas season has come to an end. We took down our tree over the weekend and packed away the rest of the Christmas decor and now the house looks, well, blah. But there is a level of comfort in returning to the same-ol-same-ol.

Jillian and I did not leave the house on Monday. We played with one of her art projects (a fabulous gift from a friend that will become a favorite gift of ours to give), did some school work, had plenty of play and music time, and completed a craft project for today's music class.

Jillian has been part of Kindermusik for nearly 3 years. There have been times when I have questioned continuing the program, but she loves the class and loves music. This session the kids are learning music that has to do with weather. Snow is the current topic so we had to make snow boots that she could take to class. It was a fun little activity that we did after nap time.

We used a brown paper bag, dot paint, stickers and cotton balls. Jilly had so much fun decorating her boots.
One had pink and green dots with snowflake stickers and the other had purple and blue dots with snowman and penguin stickers. The cotton balls served as "fur" lining to keep the snow out of the boots and to keep her feet nice and toasty.

She had a lot of fun stomping around in the snow that apparently filled her playroom. She even laid down on the floor to make a snow angel and trotted around with her bells singing Jingle Bells.

It was a fun afternoon and a great way to begin a new year.